About us


Natural Living

What is Natural Skincare & Who is Ashes of Beauty? ……

My name is Melissa Moreno I am the founder of Ashes of Beauty. I have a personal love for my handmade products. This first started as something I made for my family, and they became so popular I was asked to start making them for others and as gifts. I first fell in love with a small little soap shop years ago. I got the soap for my daughter who at the time had eczema. I went on to have 5 children and used these soaps as part of their daily skincare from infants and still to this day. It took a lot of years to research these natural products from the salts, oils, clays, ash, herbs selecting different elements for each one in combination with another to create luxurious products and eventually started my own little soap shop to share my products & help you love your skin again. Ashes of beauty comes from the verse Isaiah 61:3 Gods promise to bring beauty from the ashes. I branched out this year adding more products and candles. I take pride in my products in knowing they are helping others and I put a little extra love into them by making them unique with the frosted designs, or little accents. I love hearing how my products have helped a child’s irritated skin or adults embarrassing skin spots please reach out with comments if its a product you love and if there is a product you are unhappy with please reach out for a exchange or full refund. We are here to make you love your skin again!

Bananas & Cream

Upon my research of natural healing. The healing benefits are amazing. Natural is gentler on the skin with extreme moisture benefits. WHY choose over store bought, that is completely up to the consumer in comparison to price, quality. Natural has no harsh chemicals that has been linked back to cancer and other health concerns. No animal products and no testing making this cruelty free. Wider choice making these unique products suitable to different preferences & needs. Comment mostly heard they are to beautiful to use. They are very unique and beautiful i assure you even though the frosting looks good enough to eat its still all natural soap and amazing benefits. We just wanted to add a artistic feature a smile to form when you go to buy your next soap.

Ashes of Beauty is a company who wants to be known for quality products that are ecofriendly a natural based company. Second thing we are a family business, and we look at our clients as family, so we want to continue that care quality along the hands they end up in. Even if that is in the form of a gift. Ashes of Beauty is a women ran company with a huge role in the community but never forgetting where “she” came from. As a single mom of 5 the trials and tribulations are what I stand on and advocate for. We run sales, dollar daze for charity give back as well as our recycled soap charity these soaps are soaps that maybe didn’t come out as planned but still just as perfect and we gift away. Maybe it’s just soap to some but it has given many people healthier & cleaner lives. Despite how simplistic a bar of soap can be, many people lack access to hygiene products & even clean water. Giving that someone maybe just a brighter fresh start that day. “A gift may seem too small or too simple to receive by some but wrapped in thoughtfulness & love its priceless.”

Soap Shop Now

A side profile of a woman in a russet-colored turtleneck and white bag. She looks up with her eyes closed.

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— Anna Wong, Volunteer